Augmented reality can be defined as a indirect or an direct view of real world, physical environment, whose components are augmented by computer generated sensory inputs (Chen et al. 2019). In other words, A is a technology that amalgamates real word with virtual information such as images, text, 3-D models, videos, music, etc. Augmented reality uses sophisticated technologies such as multimedia devices, 3D modelling, intelligent interaction, real time tracking and registration, sensing and more to create real world environment after simulation (Chen et al. 2019).
There are six
different types of augmented realities that fall under two overarching
categories. The two categories are augmented reality and view based augmented
reality. Characteristics or stimuli that initiate augmentation is called
triggers. They can be object marks, GPS locations papers, and so on. Variations
of augmented reality are View based. Augmented reality technology has vast
scope of application. This technology has been used in many areas such as
Tourism, Archaeology, art, Manufacturing and restoration, commerce, laser and
entertainment, medical treatment, etc. augmented reality has enormous
scope of application in the fashion industry (Edwards-Stewart et al., 2016).
reality is a groundbreaking technology which can reshape our interaction with
Our surroundings. It Blends real simulation with virtual information to enhance
our perception and understanding of reality. One of the most significant
capability of augmented reality is to fill the gap between Imagination and real
world seamlessly. it can be used in several areas of our real life. When I
think about augmented reality, I am mesmerised by its capability to enhance our
reality and the boundaries of human interaction with technology. It has the
Ability to better use the information, foster creativity and imagination.
Though the technology has huge potential, it also raises complex considerations
and challenges. Ethical applications of the technology and private privacy
concerns Create the need for standardised guidelines as augmented reality
becomes prevalent in our daily lives gradually. The Journey of augmented
reality is going to be an exciting one supporting innovation And possibilities
That can shape our life.
reality, technology have large scope of application in fashion industry. It can
be used to provide customers with virtual. Try on experiences to see how
clothes, jewelers and make up, would look on them without physical, try on (Edwards-Stewart
et al., 2016). For businesses,
augmented technology can reduce the cost of shipping and returns by allowing
them to showcase their products virtually in a cost effective manner.
Businesses can use augmented reality to increase their brand, experience, exciting
worlds and backdrops for clients to experience their product and generate easy
solution to customers sizing issues (Edwards-Stewart et al., 2016). This is expected to enhance
customer satisfaction and increase the sales of brands by giving clients more
engaging experience. This will make online buying more effective and pleasing
customers as well as for businesses in the fashion industry.