Sunday, February 8, 2015

Virtual Reality a Sports Training Game Changer for game loving people

By admin
02/08/15 2:42 AM

Quite a bit of buzz broke out lately in sports circles when a Stanford quarterback was caught on ESPN sporting an Oculus virtual reality (VR) face mask. Not that VR is completely new, but fans need more out of their athletes and the sight of such a souped-up technical edge on the area was a novel thrill. But that thrill will not be novel for long as VR is headed for mainstream use in all sports from pro to small league and T-ball levels.

Just do not let the sight of VR face sets on the area fool you -- it's a training tool and not a real-time, augmented reality honed-edge all through the game. That's not to mention it isn't a game changer though; in any case, Stanford started using VR late in the season and the team had two of its absolute games in a while afterwards. While this prompts the causation vs correlation discussion, few will argue that enhanced training is a big reason in game outcomes.

And when transformative training shows up in some teams it invariably spreads to others.

"This brings to mind me of the 1980s when football players started lifting weights; I believe it is Nebraska that is credited with the first weight program," mentions Brendan Reilly, CEO of EON Sports VR. "Once really immense, highly strong football players began showing up to play, other coaches were like Whoa! Where did they come from? And they had to begin weight-lifting programs too for the reason that, yes, player size and strength matters when you're trying to win. Player size was not an issue until a educator made it one despite the fact that."

"No one innovates for the sake of innovating," he added. "You're forced to innovate and tech is forcing that innovation in sports now."

Just like weight training altered the players and inevitably the game in addition, so too will VR and other training tech.

Founding Director of Stanford's Virtual Human Interaction Lab and associate professor, Jeremy Balinese mentions the Stanford quarterback caught on ESPN's video was immersed in a area action play, but not necessarily in the action on the area at the moment. "We could permit light in and transform to augmented reality at a few point," he told. "But the quarterback in that moment was immersed in a virtual reality scene."
What are quarterbacks doing while immersed in there? For 1 thing, they're learning how to read defensive plays in an automatic and answer to them just as rapid.
Yeah, but cannot they do that with old-fashioned football videos?
"What generates VR, VR is that the scene responds to your movements. Video just tells you something," mentions Bailenson, one of the country's prominent virtual reality experts. "VR creates brain and muscle memory, it is practice and not a movie."
About the Hardware and Software
Bailenson and his student and singular teams graduate assistant on Stanford's coaching staff, Derek Belch, developed the software the quarterback was using on the Oculus hardware.
Speaking of which, Facebook purchased Oculus VR in March of last year for a reported money and stock deal valued at $2 billion. The developers, Bailenson and Reilly, quoted in this story are quite directly developers. They come to the software for hardware that earlier exists.
"Coaches and athletes aren't tech experts so we provide out-of-the-box solutions that are typically bundled with the hardware," explained Reilly. He mentions his firm has a "ton of hardware partnerships."
That looks to be the most normal marketing agreement. anyhow, Bailenson mentions that Belch has plans to commercialize the software the Stanford quarterback was using and thus he can't reveal too numerous details about it. He did mention that the software is called "Quarterback Trainer" until the official name is unveiled -- presumably when the product is announced for commercial and customer use.
Reilly mentions that when VR hardware became mobile is when VR for sports truly took off. Players can utilize the hardware anywhere in preference to coming to a VR lab or being locked to a desktop somewhere.
There are many VR hardware brands on the market at a countless levels of sophistication and price tags. For example, Google Cardboard is inexpensive. You can even make your own quite directly out of cardboard -- verify out the directions here. You'll in addition see a list of vendors you can purchase premade Google Cardboard from and also a Makers Gallery on that same webpage. After you have Google Cardboard amassed and in hand, you take your elect of apps and off you go in a virtual world.
"Coaches can send kids the app through their phones and then kids can practice on Google Cardboard on their own time and at their own speed," mentions Reilly. "Kids get better training and much more practice that way, compared to the old way where coaches only have a couple hours a week or day to work with the entire team, meaning most kids actually only get some minutes of help and practice."
"It's awesome how VR may be used to assist kids wherever and at highly little cost," he told. "We can help kids who have no access to private training or sports camps become big name players anyway."
Machine to Mind Advantage
The crucial thing in new training tools is not the new shine of glitzy tech but its transformative work on humans. That signifies aligning the usage of tech with a special human benefit or ambition is vital.
Peter J. Fadde, Ph.D., Professor and Coordinator, Learning Systems Design and Technology at Southern Illinois University is not sold on VR training for baseball, despite the fact he thinks it is potentially an amazing pick for football.
"VR simulates action, the whole of action, meaning the quarterback can see and react to players across the area and all in movement. This needs spatial suggestions and relationships in the quarterback's choice making and so 3D VR is perfect for that," mentions Fadde. "But for pitch appreciation in baseball, the pitcher is constantly in the same place and the distance to residence plate is the same in addition. What I'm focusing players on is that first third of ball movement from the moment it leaves the pitcher's hand. That's way too rapid and short for VR to be useful, in my viewpoint."
"What I have to renounce in VR as a educator is 2D photograph realism for a pc generated picture," he mentions.
Fadde is focused on improving speed and exactness in the human equivalent of predictive analytics. He is training the batter's brain in routine recognition by ways of repetition in order to the batter can accurately decide the sort of pitch almost the second the ball leaves the pitcher's hand.
If the batter identifies the pitch trajectory only after the curve breaks or the ball moves closer, it's too late to hit the ball. By recognizing the pitch pattern previously, the batter has more time to react and a far better possibility of a hit.
"It occurs over time and in the environment of the mind. The batter's brain, his analytics, elect up on the routines and react accordingly," he explained. "It feels intuitive or instinctive, but it's truly just a better educated brain. You're getting experience in pattern appreciation this way, and not just how-to information. It's called 'part task'. VR is more about 'whole task' training."

So how is VR better at whole activity training than mention the old blackboard with chalked football plays in lines and adhere figures?
Think of the two formulas in terms of Google Maps. The chalkboard is the navigation overview where you can see the entire way from begin to destination but with highly little detail along the way. Street Views, on the other hand, don't show the entire route but the shape of the building you're trying to find and where it is in relation to other structures and your position. VR is like Street Views.
Quarterbacks can see plays as they actually look on the area. They can react to the scene as if they are physically there and the scene changes in keeping with their movements. This facilitates heightened pattern appreciation from the area perspective, i.e. the player's viewpoint, as opposed to from the bird's eye view or helicopter viewpoint. It's the difference in imagining a defensive team rushing your way and actually seeing them coming to mow you down. Reaction times improve as the QB moves by ways of the other team's defensive plays through and through again.
"All actions come from thought," mentions Reilly. "Making choices before the ball is snapped, automatically recognizing the coverage and adapting to it, calculating protection weaknesses, and doing all of that in one to two seconds is what changes the game to a win. And that mental and physical agility comes with training more than just the body's muscle memory."
And that's the bottom line to VR training in sports. While once the focus was on building the players' physical size, strength, stamina, physical agility and muscle memory, now it's all about doing the same for players' minds.
Expect to see VR training spread all through all sports at every level. in a while thereafter, expect it to spread in the executing arts too, for the highly same reasons

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